Monday, May 4, 2020
Emotional Intelligencen Samples for Students †
Question: Discuss about the Emotional Intelligencen. Answer: Emotional Intelligence The report to themanagement is on assessment of Emotional Intelligence in the work Place that seems to be deteriorating. Workers are quelling and exchanging words that indicate an inability to handle their emotions. There is two personality type when one group are amiable can easily get along with others while other are expressive and talks a lot. The quarrels are a result of expression of emotional feeling without considering the emotion of others. The report is conduction of my emotional analysis as well as those of my fellow workmates (Mayer and Geher, 2016 p.34). Recognizing myself To create self-awareness in determining my emotional intelligence use of SWOT analysis tool is the preferred tool and most accurate in this assessment. In this case, I realized I have an amiable personality type, and I can get along with workers even in their worst emotional experiences (Salovey and Mayer, 2014, p.6). Emotional strengths and weaknesses The major strengths that I have are supportive, patient and diplomatic. The mentioned strength has helped to cope with the workplace and also helped other employees manage their emotions. (Goleman, 2014). I have been supportive since most of the employees love running to me whenever they have a problem or have personal disturbances. I have noted that workers are free to express their worries in the organization to me and leave me to advise on presented problems. Through the SWOT analysis, I also discovered that being patient and keep giving people more chances to when they have delayed in discharging their duties. I understand my peers since they mostly share with me that making me understand them even when they are quite unproductive. In most, I have feeling and action guided by diplomacy. I hate exposing my emotions to my peers and themanagement and always think before I act. This greater strength that helps me to control my emotions and let reasoning take control, therefore, avoid ing problems related to emotional expressions (Mayer and Salovey, 2013, p.14). On the other side, my weaknesses are I tend to listen and guide my actions on the wishes of my workmates. As leader as supposed to give direction to improvemanagement that is affected by team members and always thing goes as they have planned. As result of patient, things are not completed in time that delays the overall objectives of the firm. This is because the workers will have convincing reasons why the tasks and duties were not completed on time. Another weakness that arises from my emotions is not being a ruler. That is why there is no timely completion of duties and tasks (Goleman, 2014, p.10) Identify a stressor and how awareness of these can help to control response and create positive results The main stressor of my emotions is getting along and understanding people's emotions (Mayer, Caruso and Salovey, 2014, p. 56). Understanding other's emotions have to control my emotions and avoid shouting to other once there is a disagreement. Am ever understanding and placing myself in my workmate's position to understand their emotional reactions on issues. Awareness of understanding other in different capacities and having an aim of getting along in the organization is the most important things to emphasize to ensure that there are improved emotional intelligence. As a result of poormanagement of emotions in the workplace, it is extended to customers who are the greatest assets of the organization, the productivity of workers is low as through emotional outburst it affects the relationship in teamwork. Stressing on understanding and getting along with others is a point to emphasize ( Salove et al., 2015, n.p). Identify emotional state how management of these emotional states can be used as a guide for others when and managing their pressures There are a lot of pressures in the workplace that lead to an emotional outburst. For instance, when I am making a presentation to the management on disciplinary issues, the situation was sensitivity on the presentation and management of stress greatly helped in getting along with the decisions. Identify trigger that might cause a heightened emotional state or response In my capacity, many of the employees come to the office and open the door with force a sign of their anger. This situation attempts me to act emotionally, but as a leader, I offer to listen instead. Some may do this for petty reasons of disagreement with their fellow workers or even one team member failing to participate in daily activities. In such a situation, I listen to the complaints and promise to act upon it as quickly as possible to avoid more harm. Recognising others Emotional stability is an awareness that helps one to deal and relate with others. The emotionally strong people have a room of greatness unless those who are emotionally weak. There are various principles of emotional intelligence are self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy and social skills. The four principles are the guide in achieving an emotionally stable environment in the workplace. Give personal examples of how well or poorly you read the tell-tale emotional cues given off by others? How I read other peoples information is determined by self-awareness and self-regulation to emotional responses. In most cases, this falls in the last principle that is social skills. There are different responses from workers to my action and speech, but all is how an attuned to their emotions. It is possible before communication am supposed to read the responses that are likely to arise and can affect meaningful communication. In instances that negative emotions arise I try to engage the rest in a discussion to air their views on the issues. This creates meaningful communication since they feel part of the decisions contributed. Another way I commonly use is to use humour and exciting statements to help create a free expression environment, therefore, bonding with others. Under the aspect of social skills, it calls for being an emotional leader where personal emotions cannot affect others, and other negative emotions cannot affect me. Some situations that workers go through are pressurizing that one needs to see things in their perspective to help them. For instance, a worker who is struggling with family issues and also pressures from the workplace may act emotionally and may disagree with my actions. Therefore, one needs to see things from his perspective and avoid judging him but help them through their problems. (George, 2014, p.20). Describe how the culture and diversity of your staff can influence their emotions? Culture and diversities play major roles in influencing employees thought, beliefs, behaviours, and attitudes. Also, it impacts on the relationship in the workplace. When dealing with these diversities, there is need to apply cultural understanding that differs from what we stand for. As much these cultures are changing they remain to determine our values and behaviours. (Palmer et al., 2014, p.12). There are visible cultural diversities while beliefs and values are an aspect of culture that is invisible. As a result, many people judge others according to their beliefs that can heighten the emotional temperature once the other party has a different stand on their beliefs and values. So culture is a contributing factor in the organization. Therefore to solve all these differences in cultural diversities the organization can consider creating a working culture that regulates emotions in the firm. Demonstrate and discuss how flexible and adaptable you need to be when deciding concerning the emotional cues, the cultural and diversity issues described above? As stated earlier that people have the different emotional response that could affect the process of communication or even decision-making. Understanding and creating a sharing moment in the workplace will help employees communicate their problems that could be the contributing to emotional actions and utterances. Also in cultural and diversities, the working environment should be free from any employees' cultural beliefs but have a standardized culture. A standardized working culture will outline how employees are supposed to conduct themselves in the workplace and what to do in case differences and disagreements arise. (Palmer et al, 2014, n.p). References Mayer, J.D., Salovey, P., Caruso, D.R. and Sitarenios, G., 2013. Measuring emotional intelligence with the MSCEIT V2. 0. Emotion, 3(1), p.97. George, J.M., 2014. Emotions and leadership: The role of emotional intelligence. Human relations, 53(8), pp.1027-1055. Palmer, B., Walls, M., Burgess, Z. and Stough, C., 2014. Emotional intelligence and effective leadership. Leadership Organization Development Journal, 22(1), pp.5-10. Palmer, B., Walls, M., Burgess, Z. and Stough, C., 2014. Emotional intelligence: Science and myth. MIT press. Mayer, J.D. and Geher, G., 2016. Emotional intelligence and the identification of emotion. Intelligence, 22(2), pp.89-113. Salovey, P. and Mayer, J.D., 2014. Emotional intelligence. Imagination, cognition and personality, 9(3), pp.185-211. Mayer, J.D. and Salovey, P., 2013. The intelligence of emotional intelligence. Intelligence, 17(4), pp.433-442. Goleman, D., 2014. Emotional intelligence. Bantam. Goleman, D., 2014. Working with emotional intelligence. Bantam. Mayer, J.D., Caruso, D.R. and Salovey, P., 2014. Emotional intelligence meets traditional standards for an intelligence. Intelligence, 27(4), pp.267-298. Salovey, P., Mayer, J.D., Goldman, S.L., Turvey, C. and Palfai, T.P., 2015. Emotional attention, clarity, and repair: Exploring emotional intelligence using the Trait Meta-Mood Scale.
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